Broadcast and Digital Journalism courses taught at the S.I. Newhouse School of Public Communications at Syracuse University

Television News Reporting, BDJ 664, BDJ 464:

Graduate and undergraduate level students learn how to produce quality television news stories by defining what distinguishes a good news story, locating reliable information, applying ethical principles and understanding the impact of diversity in the newsgathering process.

Television News Producing and Anchoring, BDJ 465:

Students learn how to use news judgment, news writing, reporting, shooting and editing skills to assemble a newscast, paying particular attention to the demands and leadership responsibilities of the producer. The students also work on their on-camera presentation skills as anchors.

Long-form Television Reporting, BDJ MIL 530:

The military students add to their proficiency in technical skills by learning how to tell long-form stories, which demand more time and go into more depth than those found in regularly scheduled news broadcasts. Planning and organization are key features of this course, so the final stories reflect a more thorough level of reporting.

Broadcast/Digital News Writing, BDJ 311:

The focus of this course is on writing deadline stories for radio and the web and, by the end of the course, the basics of television news writing. The basic writing skills are applied in the companion BDJ 364 Radio Reporting course, where students find news, report it, produce and deliver it, under conditions as close to real life in the broadcast news business as possible.

Radio/Audio Reporting, BDJ 364:

Students learn the basic concepts of radio news and digital audio reporting. They apply the skills learned in the companion BDJ 311 News Writing Course to report radio stories in the field, conduct in-person interviews and assemble their stories for on-deadline newscasts. By focusing solely on audio recording, this course is the first step in the electronic news gathering sequence that culminates with the television reporting courses.

Cross-Media & Digital news Writing, BDJ/NEW 200:

The goal of this course is to break down silos between the broadcast and print/text newswriting specialties and teach students how to become fluent in both formats. Students write stories on deadline for both broadcast and text. This course prepares students for the current professional landscape, where reporters are expected to publish their stories on a wide variety of platforms.